Other fireplaces create their flames using a mechanical effect. That means they use an inexpensive Chinese electric motor, to spin an axle with chrome reflectors attached to it. These reflectors simply reflect colored light through a flame-like silhouette onto a screen behind the log set. You kind of get this blur of orange and red and yellow that kind of looks like fire from far but not really up close. The effect is very fake, but it’s inexpensive to manufacture and that’s why it’s so widely used. Our fireplace works completely differently.
We use holographic projection technology. That means we start with a real video of an actual fire. We then project those flames onto a real physical log set inside the fireplace, making it look like those logs are actually burning. Because you’re looking at a real video of an actual fire it looks real because it is real. We have patented this technology and we’re the only manufacturer that offers this.
You will not find anything more realistic on the market than our fireplace. I won’t say it’s indistinguishable from the real thing, but it gets you pretty darn close, without actually setting anything on fire!