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Frequently Asked Questions


How do I apply?

Simply add a product to your shopping cart, proceed to the checkout page, and choose “pay over time” as your checkout method. Enter your name and phone number, in a few moments you will receive confirmation of whether or not you are approved or not and you will be informed as to your monthly payment options and interest rate. You can then decide if you want to proceed with your order and checkout or not under the terms they offer.

You can also start the order with us over the phone by providing your name, address, phone number, and product you wish to order. At that time we will text you or email you a payment link, which you can then use to select Bread as your payment method and begin the process.

Do You Have Additional Questions?

We love talking fireplaces! Call us anytime at 800-558-8098 or chat with us on the web site. We can also be emailed at [email protected]. Usually phone calls and chat widget requests get the quickest replies.

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Vector 15

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