Dimplex is an electric fireplace manufacturer that makes many different types of products, including electric fireplaces. One of the key differences between Dimplex and MagikFlame is that they manufacture in China while we manufacture in the United States. It’s hard to tell you about the direct comparison between them and us without knowing specifically which product of theirs you are referring to. However, we can talk in general terms. The most important thing to keep in mind is the way their fireplaces work compared to ours. The Dimplex flames are created using mechanical means. Most likely this is a system consisting of an electric motor that rotates a shaft with some chrome reflectors attached to it. These reflectors will reflect light onto a panel behind the log set. These multi-colored lights will create a blur of yellow and red and orange that kind of looks like fire but not really.
The MagikFlame on the other hand uses a completely different technology. We’ve spent five years of research and development to create our patented holographic projection technology. With our fireplace we take a real video of actual fire and project those flames onto a physical log set, making it look like those logs are actually burning. Because we use real fire as the basis of our technology, instead of a mechanical effect our flames look real because they are real. With our fireplace, you get all the beautiful realistic details of fire like the way the flames move organically, as well as rising and burning embers, and even wispy smoke that rolls up off of the logs. We also have the sound of crackling and popping logs to accompany the flames for an immersive experience. The typical Dimplex products do not have sound.
Overall, the MagikFlame looks significantly more realistic than any Dimplex fireplace and is built in America, and is built to last. We will never gouge you on replacement parts as they do because our fireplaces are built with technology like LED lights and LCD projection devices that are designed to last up to 15 years and will provide many years of trouble-free, realistic flames that are totally unrivaled.